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This tag is associated with 7 posts

High outsourcing costs drive away international firms

International companies are still looking to India, Egypt and Jordan to oursource their call centres as Dubai’s comparatively high telecom and labour costs make the emirate less competitive, industry insiders at the Middle East Call Centre exhibition said yesterday.

How Outsourcing can Cost you Time and Money

In a recent UK case, BSkyB was awarded a £200 million interim damages payout against its outsourcing vendor as a result of a failed outsourcing projects. This case has refocused attention on what can happen when outsourcing arrangements do not go according to plan.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing

When is the right time to outsource? When should you stay in house? It’s such a taboo subject and gets such a bad rap that it’s almost not even worth defending. You might be better off defending socialism at a “Tea Party” rally. Okay perhaps that’s overdoing it. It’s not that bad.

Cost-Saving Secrets of the Outsourcing Insiders

Ten tips from outsourcing experts and practitioners on how to save money on external consultants with do-it-yourself outsourcing.

9 Ways to Save Money on Your Current Outsourcing Contract

You may not have signed a contract with your third-party IT services provider solely to cut costs. Maybe you were seeking specific skills or farming out non-core work to focus on strategic initiatives, or looking for a back door into an emerging economy.

The First Rule of Outsourcing to Contractors

A lot has been said on the topic of outsourcing work to others. There are the operational issues, the client management challenges, the trust and rapport factors, and so on.

7 Ways an Outsourcing Advisor can Save you Money

When it comes to the outsourcing process, going it alone is one way to cut costs. But working with an experienced outsourcing advisor may save you money during the procurement process and down the road.

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